Snæfellsjӧkull active volcanoe / Snæfellsjӧkull, un volcan actif |
On our way to Arnastapi / Sur le chemin vers Anarstapi |
The scenery is like on another planet, with solidified lava flows and a huge glacier. This is actually the place that inspired Jules Verne to write “Voyage to the centre of the Earth”. We do understand why. This is also supposedly Earth’s 7th most active volcanic region. We’ve waited, we’ve waited, we did not see an eruption…
Arnastapi harbour / Le port d'Anarstapi |
Bardur Snaefellsas is the guy who, in 900AC, discovered the region. He was supposedly half Human, half-Giant (hence the statue on his behalf). He was the first man to populate the area.
Now, here is a Viking legend (not allowed for children under 12):
The God Ymir gave birth to other Gods from his arms and legs. Unfortunately, he was killed by three of his Gods and his blood was used to create the sea and rivers, his brain was used to create the clouds and his bones to create the landscape.
Mmmm… Nice!
Stern artique, un oiseau de malheur / Artic Stern, an argressive bird |
Les trolls se transforment en pierre le jour |
Nous suspectons que c’est aussi le lieu qui a inspire Alfred Hitchcock dans “les Oiseaux”. Les sternes arctiques vivent dans la region et, si vous vous approchez trop pres de leurs nids, ils n’hesiteront pas a jouer les Kamikazes et faire du rase motte sur vous. Pas farouches les bêtes! Cette tendance a proteger leurs nids irrite pas mal les garde-cotes locaux.
Bardur Snaefellsas est le gars qui, selon la legend, a decouvert la region au 9ieme siecle. Il etait mi-homme mi-gean (d’ou une statue a son effigie). Il etait le premier homme a habiter la region.
Maintenant, la legende Viking du jour (interdit aux moins de 12 ans):
Le Dieu Ymir a donne naissance, depuis son bras et ses jambes, a plusieurs Dieux.
Il a ete tue par trois de ses Dieux, qui ont repandu son sang pour creer la mer et les rivieres, sa cervelle pour creer les nuages et ses os pour creer le paysage.
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