"Watch out guys, there is a monster behind you!" / "Faites attention les gars, il y a un monstre derrière-vous! "
Some friends suggested that we should meet at the ROM Friday Night Live.
The ROM is the Royal Ontario Museum on Toronto. It is composed of 5 different sections: Archaeology, Palaeontology, Mineralogy, Zoology, and Geology.
Every Friday Night (except in Winter time), Torontonians can party on the first and second floor of the musuem, in areas dedicated to the Prehistory. For the first time, we've got to experience the real city life at night. That was a sophisticated night out, super arty and fun. An experience that will be reproduced next year.
And even the Dinausurs are rocking. Check the animated gifs.
Some friends suggested that we should meet at the ROM Friday Night Live.
The ROM is the Royal Ontario Museum on Toronto. It is composed of 5 different sections: Archaeology, Palaeontology, Mineralogy, Zoology, and Geology.
Every Friday Night (except in Winter time), Torontonians can party on the first and second floor of the musuem, in areas dedicated to the Prehistory. For the first time, we've got to experience the real city life at night. That was a sophisticated night out, super arty and fun. An experience that will be reproduced next year.
And even the Dinausurs are rocking. Check the animated gifs.